【同义词辨析】 2019-01-25 进取aggressive-pushy
aggressive: implies a disposition to dominate often in disregard of others' rights or in determined and energetic pursuit of one's ends: ~ and successful in the business world. (dominate主导控制to have power over, to control,如he denied that his country wants to dominate Europe他否认他的国家想要控制欧洲,又如father was no longer the dominant figure of the family随着妇女就业,父亲不再是家里的主导人物,dominant hand常用的手) (aggression最常用的意思是侵略,如the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression中国人民抗日战争,the German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact苏德互不侵犯条约) disposition性格,pursue追求追赶,形容有热情有兴趣
militant: suggests not self-seeking but devotion to a cause, movement, or principle: ~ environmentalists staged a protest.
assertive: suggests bold self-confidence in expression of one's opinion: ~ speakers dominated the open forum.
self-assertive: connotes forwardness or brash self-confidence: a ~ young executive climbing the corporate ladder. (forward说话冒失无礼too confident and direct in social situations; to speak confidently without due respect,如a forward man/question一个冒失无礼的人/问题)
pushing, pushy: may apply to ambition or enterprise or to snobbish and crude intrusiveness or officiousness: ~ salespeople using ~ tactics; ~ people break into the line for tickets. (enterprise企业,或进取心事业心创业精神, USS Enterprise企业号航母是第一艘核动力航母) snobbish势力的,瞧不起不如自己的人,名词snob势利小人 (intrude闯入to thrust oneself into others,如an intrusive interruption in our conversation强行打断我们谈话) (officious给别人别人不想要的东西to offer services or attention that is unwelcome or annoying,如an officious salesman一个强行推销的销售) (pushing还表接近年龄,如I am pushing forty我奔四了)
aggressive有闯劲: 指精力充沛地追求个人目标谋求主导地位,常不顾他人权益,militant斗士的: 表示无私地投身事业运动原则,assertive有主见、断言的: 表示大胆自信地表达个人意见,self-assertive有主见、断言的: 同assertive一样表示大胆自信表达自己,但可能显得冒失无礼,有点贬义,pushing,pushy闯劲: 可表示有追求进取心也可表示闯入强求别人
记忆方法: 1)首字母AMASPP恰好组成PASMAP越过地图<==进取精神
2)进取的意思是精力充沛地追求目标mean obtrusively energetic especially in pursuing particular goals.